Definition of Red onion

1. Noun. Flat mild onion having purplish tunics; used as garnish on hamburgers and salads.

Exact synonyms: Purple Onion
Generic synonyms: Spanish Onion

Definition of Red onion

1. Noun. A type of onion with reddish purplish skin. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Red Onion

red meat
red meats
red mercury
red mist
red morning-glory
red mud
red mulberry
red mullet
red muscle
red neck syndrome
red neuralgia
red noise
red nucleus
red oak
red ochre
red onion
red onions
red osier
red osier dogwood
red oxide of lead
red oxygen
red panda
red pandas
red pepper
red peppers
red periwinkle
red phalarope
red phosphorus
red pimpernel
red pine

Literary usage of Red onion

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Inside Passage & Coastal Alaska by Lynn Readicker-Henderson (2006)
"red onion SALOON: Coming out of either the Park Service building or the WP&YR ... We've never heard good, reliable reports of the one in the red onion, ..."

2. Adventure Guide to the Inside Passage and Coastal Alaska by Lynn Readicker-Henderson (2002)
"red onion SALOON: Coming out of either the Park Service building or the ... GHOSTS OF ALASKA, PART THREE Reports of the ghost in the red onion are iffy, ..."

3. Adventure Guide to the Alaska Highway by Ed Readicker-Henderson (2006)
"Coming out of either the Park Service building or the WP&YR station, you'll see the red onion Saloon right across the street, a lively place with music and ..."

4. The Catskills Alive! by Francine Silverman (2003)
"From the menu of beef and fish entrees at prices up to $25.95, I chose a winner at $16.95: black-peppercorn-crusted pork loin with lingonberry and red onion ..."

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